Sunday, May 15, 2011

[CLOSED] Aaron Yan (Fahrenheit) Autographed 『下一個炎亞綸』 The Next Me EP Mini Album

Fahrenheit's Aaron Yan will be releasing his new album 『下一個炎亞綸』 The Next Me on 25 March and pre-ordering has already begun!

Will be attending the pre-order autograph session on Sunday, 13 March. Hence, if you are interested in getting an autographed set, do feel free to drop me an email and I'll be glad to help you pre-order and get it signed.

Please note that as the pre-order autograph session is only a couple of days away, only orders that are received by Saturday, 12 March will be signed on BOTH the pre-order gift and the EP (i.e: double autographed). Orders received from 13 March to 7 April will only be signed on the EP (i.e: normal single autograph) as you would have missed the pre-order autograph session.

Price: SGD 46.00Pre-order Deadline: 7 April 2011 1800 hours
Payment Deadline: 8 April 2011, 2000 hours
Estimated Date of Arrival: end-April (14 working days required for shipping after album autograph session)


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